1. Check if you have sufficient funds.

Make sure you have enough credit in your account to complete the payment. You might also check if you haven’t exceeded your total spending limit.

2. Check if the payment information provided is correct.

Make sure that you have entered the correct payment details, such as credit card number, expiration dates, other payment account information.

3. Have you tried another payment method?

There are multiple options to pay, choosing a different one might help to work around the problem.

4. Software active that may block data at the moment of payment.

Software like a VPN, Anti Viruses, AdBlock may cause issues at the moment of payment. If that’s your case, please try to purchase using incognito mode.

5. Authorize the payment in your bank.

You may need to authorize international or online transactions from your payment provider’s side before you’re able to complete a purchase in our page. Otherwise, some transactions might be declined by your bank.

6. Activate your card.

If you are using a prepaid credit card, you need to make sure that it has been registered already.
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